May 27, 2008

The Problem with Standing for Something. Part 1

This could probably be view in a glass half full sort of way but I find myself on the half empty team with this topic as I debate and analyze it over and over in my mind. I've been kicking it around in my mind for at least the last six years but have yet to write it down. Writing helps to clarify. So here it goes

The Problem with standing for something means your a target for someone. example: I Love to do X and I am very passionate about it. Wait forget the X here is a real example. There is a restaurant in SLC that serves "Living" food. What the crap is living food? Well its food that isn't cooked above 118 degrees Fahrenheit and is vegan. So wow, where do i start? I guess thats part of the problem as I see it because in my mind thats silly, and I'm not about to pay 15 bucks for lettuces and nuts. So its easy for me to point fingers at this chief because wheres he going to go? He can't say, well I was just kidding or, look I'm eating a cow now, yumbo. No he has to defend what he stands for, regardless if the accuser is making a legitimate point or merely taking a cheap shot. So the question is how does the chief respond without getting defensive, upset, or sounding like a raving lunatic?

Thats where I am at. I believe things, and when questioned (not in a "what do you believe/think/feel kind of way) I get defensive, no I get Offensive, I want to go after them and something they stand for, but when they don't take a stand for anything I'm left with nothing. Am I making any sense? maybe not yet. maybe another example will illustrate

In Florida theres was a guy who was very anti religion, not just Mormon, religion in general. He had the life of a super star, unemployed, smoked, drank, no shower for days and cloths from the gutter. So when he attacked or belittled my beliefs, what do I do? I explain, I talk nice. It evolved into calling him out on his smoking (in the course of 5 minutes he had downed 3 cigs and was onto his 4th) for which he "believed" in, which obviously did nothing. I guess I just want people to stand for something so I can have something to attack when they attack me.

One last thing, a bumper stick a brother had related to me which I agree with. (something else to attack)
In opposition to the bumper sticker that says
"Respect Diversity"
I favor the sticker that says
"Not All Diversity Is Respectable"


6E6F7468696E67 said...

which he "believed" in'

argumentum ad hominem

Sycamore Girl said...

Defining the previous commenters word:


An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject.



I find it funny that you said that guy had the life of a superstar...sounded like a bum to me. Although, these days they seem to be equivilant.

Monsterzao said...


BHodges said...

Everyone has a religion by the way I tend to define it. I had some weird ideas about the topic, and found them perfectly expressed by Paul Tillich, a Protestant theologian: "Religion is man's ultimate concern and commitment."

Find someone who doesn't have an ultimate concern or commitment. We form our religion with every single choice we make.