May 23, 2008


Tyson and I played 3 games in the 2v2 arena last night. Team comp: Paladin, Warlock.

after a few skirmishes we queued for the real deal.

Game 1. The first game was a flop. we went against a warlock and rogue combo. they completely shut me down. they sapped me and opened up on Tyson. i was then feared right out of sap. so i trinket ed and started to heal. i was then spell locked by the warlocks felhunter. right after the spell lock i went to cast another heal and i was blinded, i bubbled out of that and before i could get a flash heal off Tyson was dead. it was a quick game. ill chalk that one up to paladins being so susceptible to cc and my unwillingness to pop my bubble sooner. we lost 14 points.

Game 2. Mirror match. Paladin/Lock vs Paladin/Lock. This was a long fight as you can imagine. Tyson played it really well though, ended up attacking both players and casting full dots on them. I was watching what the other team was doing to see if there where things i could improve which helped because i changed my aura from concentration to shadow like the other paladin did. beyond that i switched in my pve gear for the + healing and mp5. Tyson stayed on the paladin forcing him to heal. we had the advantage as the warlock had summoned his fel guard instead of his fel hunter. 5 minutes in the other paladin and I where equal on mana. Through an unintentionally well timed course of events we forced the paladin to bubble and spend a lot of mana healing. the paladin was also spending a lot of mana trying to kill the fel hunter but I was able to keep it healed. all the while Tyson's dots ticked away. they ended up killing our felhunter which was summoned back immediately. The pally at this point had no mana and was at half health, we tried to burst him down but he was able to stay alive. we waited for nubcoil to finish its cool down and then we struck. holy shock Judged Wrath and dots/shadow bolt and he died. I ended the fight w/ 50% mana and full health. we got 16 points off the game. Well played IMO.

Game 3. Was awesome. We played a Feral druid and Spriest. When playing priests of any kind it is most important to LOS them at all costs. If you don't you will be oom and the game will end quickly. The game started with me being mangled on my mount by the druid. I stayed mounted and ran around the grave in middle of the arena 3-4 times. when I dis mounted I had about half health because of bleed effects and dots. I healed right away and started to dance around the grave with the druid on me and the spriest trying to mana burn. the typical fear/burn that priests do was effectively shut down because as soon as I was feared the priest was feared by tyson, that saved me a lot of mana. he ended up not getting 1 mana burn on me which had a huge affect on the game. The druid could put out a lot of dmg and Tyson at one point was down to 823 health. to which I had to holy shock, bubble, run away from mass dispel flash heal, holy light, and he lived. the priest was oom with 1/8th his health when they left the arena, we didn't even get the pleasure of giving them a dirt nap. They just left. we got 18 points off the deal.

p.s. unedited for content.


Deter-mination said...

On the 3rd battle it was a disc/holy preist with the feral druid and they BOTH /akf'd out because they knew they had been beat, a sweet victory!

Chris said...

lies! he was in shadow form then dropped it to heal and never went back shadow. it was indead a sweet victory.

Deter-mination said...

Whatever, he was disc/holy in my mind...

Sycamore Girl said...

Really Chris? You can remember all that detail, but somehow you cannot remember where the Q-tips went?


Chris said...

Look baby, heres the deal, i used the tips, then put them back. i think hank ate them or tally used them all. either way, I'm blaming you for the unsightly ear wax dripping from my ears right now.

Becky said...

didn't understand a word